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What is the difference between flex office and hybrid office?

While some companies still consider going back to the office at some point, others do not. What's the subtility?
Published on
February 6, 2022

Coronavirus has turned the advantage of telecommuting, usually offered by a few companies and startups, into a norm for almost everyone.

And while some companies still consider going back to the office at some point, others do not. Companies like Twitter, Microsoft and Facebook have already announced to their employees that they can work from home forever.

The future of the workspace is hybrid.

So the hybrid office came about quite naturally when employees began to work from home rather than the office.

As things slowly return to normal, employees will therefore not return to the company physically full-time, now preferring a hybrid model.This model gives employees the ability to choose where they want to work. The specificity of the hybrid office lies in the emphasis on both a physical and digital workplace. The main objective is to give all employees, whether they are remote or not, a complete workplace experience.

The employee can therefore choose, depending on the rules set up by their company, to visit the office several times a week.

57% of employees expect to be in the office 10 days or less per month. 98% think future meetings will include remote participants. 97% want changes made to make the office safer before they return.

From a IWG Study.

Does the flex office have a place then?

In the past, most employees only worked in company-provided spaces. Now, some companies are choosing to work in flexible office spaces.

For employers, this means lower costs for office space, better management of security restrictions, and more flexibility in the workplace for better productivity.

For employees, it's even better. Noisy offices turn into quiet meetings, they are given more autonomy and they choose where they come to work.

How to manage your hybrid and flex office strategy?

The flex office could not exist without a hybrid office strategy.

More space, more freedom, more productivity.

Comeen Workplace is a product that allows you to manage the coming of employees to the office, to know the colleagues present in the company today and even to book an office or a meeting room: all this directly from your Google Calendar or Microsoft Teams.

More and more companies are turning to these new ways of working, where the balance between professional and personal life is respected, and the choice of whether or not to go to work is a real corporate strategy and culture.

Request your free month trial for Comeen Workplace now, contact us. We'll be happy to help you build your workspace of tomorrow.

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