Communication Strategies to Better Engage Frontline Workers

How Congrès et Expositions de Bordeaux communicates with 800,000 people

Bordeaux welcomes 800 000 visitors and 290 events per year on 4 sites. In this article, we explain how this tourism operator uses our digital signage solution for event communication.
Written by
Charlotte Grandjean
Published on
November 4, 2020

800,000 visitors. 290 events. 4 sites.

These annual figures could make an event company dizzy without an adapted display solution. However, this is the challenge taken up by Congrès et Expositions de Bordeaux (CEB). Pierre Gibert, Digital Solutions Manager, shares his secrets for successful event communication. Even during a health crisis.

In this article, we present:

- Why CEB chose Comeen Play for its digital signage solution

- How this business tourism and events operator manages the solution on a daily basis

- How the company has developed new uses for its customers and teams

- How our digital signage solution mobilizes teams and the public during the pandemic

Managing multiple sites, multiple exhibitors and informing thousands of visitors. All at the same time.

The problem: display relevant information in real time on 4 different sites

CEB currently employs 120 people and manages four sites in the Bordeaux metropolis: the Parc des Expositions, Hangar 14, the Palais des Congrès and the Cité du Vin. The company has two activities: hosting and producing professional events (Vinitech, Jumping Bordeaux) and events for the general public (RoboCup, Foire Internationale de Bordeaux). In total, 800,000 people are welcomed each year.

The solution: a simplified interface with fast management that everyone can use

We have been working with Pierre and his team for three years. Initially, they were looking for a 100% online, plug-and-play digital signage solution with simplified user rights management to allow for the installation and management of these four sites. One of the main challenges was to delegate the use of the billboards to novice customers. "A simple and efficient solution, without hosted servers, with an easy-to-use web interface is essential," explains Pierre.

290 events = 290 different uses

For us, the challenge is even greater because for each client, the uses vary according to the needs. Whether it's a trade show, a medical congress, or an international robotics competition, our digital signage solution can be adapted to display an exhibitor's advertisement, the room schedule, or the results in real time. Pierre Gibert testifies: "the solution is complete enough to meet 90% of our customers' needs".

It's really quite simple and that's the philosophy of our team: the simplest possible solution for our customers and us. As users and "administrators" of the solution, we appreciate that it is simple. It reduces maintenance and deployment time.
Capture d’écran 2020-10-21 à 15.48.50.png
Computer generated image of the Bordeaux Exhibition Center

An adaptable and adapted solution...

In three years, our team has developed many features, and "the solution remains as easy to use as ever" admits Pierre. Fully satisfied, he develops the use of our digital signage solution for internal communication in particular. The calendar of events, excerpts from previous events, the weather and the Twitter feed are displayed on the screens in the office. All employees are informed in real time of the latest news and the company's stated objectives.

... Even in times of health crisis.

After having seen a 50% decrease in their capacity to respect the measures put in place by the Government, some trade shows organized by CEB are postponed or even switched to 100% digital. The organization adapts to each event and systematically reminds the visitors of the barriers. Thanks to the dynamic display, communication has never been so fast and simple to all visitors. From the idea of the message, its conception to its diffusion, we took only a few seconds" says Pierre Gibert, "Indeed, Pierre and his team used the collection of pre-filled messages integrated in the Designer to accelerate the creation and the diffusion of the health measures messages. And to help you, we have provided you with these visuals, which can be customized for more consistency with your graphic charter. Here are some of them:










We need simplicity, ease of use, and fast integration of fixed content that meets 80% of our needs. Comeen Playsucceeds in the challenge of offering a simple and feature-rich solution.  — Pierre Gibert, Digital Solutions Manager, CEB

And you, how do you manage the display of information for your visitors? Share your experience by writing to us at, we would be delighted to read you and exchange on the subject.

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