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Auchan's journey from multiple buildings to a single hybrid workspace

Discover how Auchan went from 7 buildings to only 5 and had to create a new hybrid workspace with hundreds of daily employees.
Published on
February 5, 2024

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies worldwide faced unprecedented challenges, forcing them to rethink their approach to office spaces. Auchan, a leading retail company, took on this challenge head-on and successfully transformed their office environment from 7 buildings to only 5 to create an efficient hybrid workspace.

Let's dive into their inspiring customer story and discover how they achieved this remarkable feat.

When two of Auchan's buildings had to be closed due to energy inefficiency, the company faced the challenge of relocating and providing access to their employees while optimizing their office space for maximum efficiency.

To accomplish this, Auchan embarked on a thorough evaluation of available solutions and ultimately made a strategic choice to integrate a comprehensive workplace management platform.

Auchan choose Comeen Workplace, the workplace employee platform for today's challenges

With a vision of creating a hybrid work environment that could accommodate more employees than the available office space allowed, Auchan carefully selected a solution that seamlessly integrated with their existing Google Workspace suite.

-- This strategic decision aimed to leverage the platform's advanced features, usage insights, and analytics to gain valuable data-driven insights for the optimal allocation of office spaces based on actual needs.

By encouraging employees to embrace the Comeen Workplace's desk booking feature and to check-in to their assigned desks, Auchan fostered a culture of proactive space utilization.

The insights gathered from Comeen Workplace's analytics served as a compass, guiding Auchan in making informed decisions to adjust space allocation, create dedicated zones, and optimize available resources in alignment with utilization patterns.

Auchan leverages Comeen's data to optimize their building

Throughout their journey with Comeen Workplace, Auchan embraced a new work philosophy focused on optimizing office space utilization while aligning it with the number of employees present.

They set a challenge of a 3:2 desk-to-employee ratio and monitored key performance indicators such as average monthly bookings, check-ins, and space occupancy rates. These metrics provided valuable insights to identify areas of improvement and adapt the office environment to better align with employee needs.

If you want to discover how the leading retail company accomplish their goals and learn more about how Auchan transformed their office space into an efficient hybrid workspace, you can download the full customer story.

Discover the strategies, challenges, and insights that propelled Auchan towards success and gain valuable inspiration for your own workplace transformation.

Click here to download the full Auchan customer story.

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