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Display its business data like Botanic

Discover how Botanic manage more than 100 logistic warehouses and shops with Comeen

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Archamps, France



Use case





Comeen Play

The company
Auxine manages logistics for 72 Botanic Botanic stores and 52 Médor et Compagnie stores stores in France from a 18,000-square-meter square meters.

"Reading information is simplified. By knowing exactly where they stand, our teams gain autonomy and efficiency."

Fabien Bessette
Logistics Manager
The challenge
Auxine manages the logistics of an 18000 square meters platform. The group would like to simply display the business data to the field teams.

The platform stores up to 8000 references but the reading must be simple

Clear and relevant information is needed because the rhythm varies according to the time of day

Make Botanic teams more reactive and autonomous in their daily tasks

The result
Botanic wins a customizable ready-to-use solution: Comeen Play, to manage screens without IT department.

Botanic displays information from different data sources to bring them all together

The information on the different screens of the group adapts according to their location and the time of day

Botanic Group plans to use Comeen Play to share its company news and to motivate its employees

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